Monday, September 18, 2006

Joe Ratzinger Needs to Grow a Pair

American Philistine is highly disappointed with Joe Ratzinger's flip-flopping on the "evil and inhuman" Mohammed quotation. Since when does the Pope apologize to anybody, let alone to a bunch of Mahometans who somehow manage to get in a tizzy over a serene and erudite speech?

And where are the angry Protestants in all of this? Joe R. did not directly criticize Mahometans, in fact his speech had little to do with them at all (see the link below), but he did single out Protestants for criticism. Where is Rick Warren demanding that Joe R. find a better purpose in Germany than taking pot-shots at Protestants?

Pope’s Regrets Over Statement Fail to Quiet a Storm of Protests - New York Times

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