Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Old Lady Clothes

There they are, those clothes you would only let your teenage daughter wear if you happened to be pimping her out on the side, and they're on a 65 year-old woman. Ahh, summertime in Brooklyn. And in a sudden epiphany, you realize why delis always give you your food in paper bags.

Even for a youth- and sex-obsessed society, isn't this a bit much? How is the image of a retirement-aged woman in a tight, scooped-neck tee supposed to be appealing? You start wondering if there's there's a club for wealthy octogenerian bachelors nearby.

I suppose that we deserve this. Our culture has been saying for a long time now that virile, copulating bodies are only approached in importance by consumer goods, so much so that the "greatest good" now sounds like a bad pun if you say it in Latin. So, we got what we asked for, I guess. Maybe we should have asked for propriety instead.

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